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The sweet psalmist, David said that the Most High placed his feet in a large room. Now, in all honesty I do not know what that means but I like to think that it means he found himself in a wide, open or spacious existence with an abundance of ideas, perspectives, psalms to write, melodies to compose, fighting/ training techniques to learn, so forth and so on. 

I began my journey with a love and passion for reading and writing. It remained so for the first two decades of my life. Then through a series of events Abba Yahuwah led my feet to an easel with a palette of pigments and a can of bristle-brushes - I was off and running! 

He realized that there was/ is so much that I was seeing and sensing that words alone were not capable of capturing or manifesting the cogitations of my heart. I wanted people to see what I was seeing. 

I became an easel fiend!! It actually took me a couple of 'minutes' to get the foundation in place but that wide open room was even wider. These vids are of some of the canvases I have been working on. Progress is slow because of a lack of time, and of energy.  There are quite a few areas in this spacious room requiring attention. 

Check in here every now and then to see the progress I am making on them. May they inspire and encourage you on your journey to that spacious, secret room where you can rest. Shalom 

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